Reward marriage Wps
Reward marriage Wps

A new image rewarded by the Wedding Photography Select (WPS) on the 25 collection! And I confess I’m super proud.
This image a lot to me for many reasons but also because it is partly my job. Always look for a different angle, a nice composition and put my married in the middle of all this. So yes I’m very happy 🙂
This picture I took just before the entrance in the Church (that of the father of the bride and more). Guests waiting inside and outside there is always something happening. A moment of hesitation, we give her dress, latecomers greet the bride and honor children are there. I like to wait until each element is in its place. This does not always work but this time Yes. Each lies where it should be in my eye.
This was my second international award in year 2016 and it makes me start 2017 of the best ways that is 🙂